[Read more…] about A Fox and A Hare to JupiterA Fox and a Hare prayed to Jupiter for the benefit each other had: Fox for swiftness and Hare for slyness. Jupiter said each should not covet. Make due.
Do not pray for more than your due.
An Ostrich, Birds, and Beasts
[Read more…] about An Ostrich, Birds, and BeastsThe Ostrich appears as both bird and beast. To the birds he showed his wings and beak; to the beasts he showed feet. After, both accepted him.
Sometimes a half-truth is necessary.
A Galled Ass and A Raven
[Read more…] about A Galled Ass and A RavenAn Ass with an open sore had a Raven pick at the sore. The groom laughed. A passing Wolf noted if he had done that, he would be killed. Injustice!!!
Not everyone is treated alike.
An Ass, An Ape, and A Mole
[Read more…] about An Ass, An Ape, and A MoleAn Ass and an Ape were complaining about what they did not have. A Mole pointed out that their complaint was minor compared with his lack of sight.
Be thankful for what nature has given you.
A Snake and A Crab
[Read more…] about A Snake and A CrabA Snake was advised by a Crab to give up bad dealings. Snake did not so Crab found the Snake and killed it. Snake should have listened to Crab.
Be frank and open in your dealings.
The Shepherd and The Sheep
[Read more…] about The Shepherd and The SheepA Shepherd put his cloak on the ground and shook acorns on it for his sheep. The sheep ate the acorns and tore the cloak. Shepherd was not happy.
An appetite blinds men to their surrounds.