A Farmer asks a judge about proper recompense for an accident against the Farmer. The Lawyer gives a fair answer; Farmer reverses conditions. Unfair now!
Even the best judges have a self-interest you must watch out for.

JBR Collection
A Farmer came to a neighbouring lawyer, expressing great concern for an accident which, he said, had just happened. “One of your oxen,” continued he, “has been gored by an unlucky bull of mine, and I should be glad to know how I am to make you reparation.” “Thou art a very honest fellow,” replied the Lawyer, “and wilt not think it unreasonable that I expect one of thy oxen in return.” “It is no more than justice,” quoth the Farmer, “to be sure; but what did I say–I mistake–it is your bull that has killed one of my oxen.” “Indeed,” said the Lawyer, “that alters the case; I must inquire into the affair, and if–,” “And if!” said the Farmer–“the business, I find, would have been concluded without an if, had you been as ready to do justice to others as to exact it from them.”