Throughout history fables have been a popular method of giving instruction. Fables contain a short narrative that seeks to illustrate a hidden message. Generally, fables use animals or objects as part of the narrative yet the message is designed to apply to humans. By doing this, the fabulist is not perceived as the teacher and this reduces any bias the listeners might have against the person. The most famous fabulist would be Aesop who most date around 620 B.C. Many fables are attributed to Aesop, but it’s unclear how many he actually wrote; indeed, his historical existence as a person is under question. I’ve collected many of them here for your enjoyment. A number of translations were found and the fables collected. Several different translations and interpretations of the same fable may be found on many of the pages here; including, now and again, a simplified version I wrote.
[Read more…] about Aesop’s Fables Home PageThe Gold Pin and The Nail
[Read more…] about The Gold Pin and The NailA lost gold pin was trying to convince a nail if its importance. Nail pointed out the pin could be done without but without the nail things fall apart.
Aesop’s Trial
[Read more…] about Aesop’s TrialAesop was on trial for animal libel. The animals eventually agreed his writings were correct so Aesop was freed.
The Peach and The Potatoe
[Read more…] about The Peach and The PotatoeA peach and potato argue beauty. Potato admits and ugly outside but peach has a heart of stone.
The Ass and The Fox
[Read more…] about The Ass and The FoxA fox chided an ass who took it in stride allowing that each had their own foibles, including the fox.
The Wasps and The Flies
[Read more…] about The Wasps and The FliesWasps and flies are in a trap. Wasps fuss about and die. The flies climb on their backs, dry and then fly out.