An ill-fed Cat hunted for more food. He found and invaded a dovecote but was caught and hung there by the owner. Master came along with no sympathy.
Gluttons procure their own untimely ends.

JBR Collection
A certain man brought up a Cat which he fed but sparingly, and the poor animal, being very ravenous and not contented with her ordinary food, was wont to hunt about in every corner for more. One day, passing by a dovecot, she saw some young Pigeons that were scarcely fledged, and her mouth watered for a taste of them. With the resolution of satisfying herself without further delay, she climbed up into the dovecot, never caring to find out whether the master was in the way or not. But no sooner did the owner of the birds see the Cat enter, than he shut the doors and stopped up all the holes where she might get out again; and having caught the thieving Puss red-handed, he hanged her up at the corner of the pigeon-house. Soon after the Cat’s master passed that way, and seeing his Cat, exclaimed, “Unfortunate creature, hadst thou been contented with thy meaner food, thou hadst not now been in this condition! Thus insatiable gluttons are the procurers of their own untimely ends.”