Honour, Prudence, and Pleasure kept house until Pleasure’s activities threatened the house. Honour and Prudence went together and only invited Pleasure.
Guard against Pleasure ruining your life.

JBR Collection
Honour, Prudence, and Pleasure undertook to keep house together. Honour was to govern the family, Prudence to provide for it, and Pleasure to conduct its arrangements. For some time they went on exceedingly well, and with great propriety; but after a while, Pleasure, getting the upper hand, began to carry mirth to extravagance, and filled the house with gay, idle, riotous company, and the consequent expenses threatened the ruin of the establishment; so that Honour and Prudence, finding it absolutely necessary to break up the partnership, determined to quit the house, and leave Pleasure to go on her own way, which did not continue long, as she soon brought herself to poverty, and came a-begging to her former companions, Honour and Prudence, who had now settled in another habitation. However, they would never afterwards admit Pleasure to be a partner in their household, but sent for her occasionally on holidays, to make them merry, and in return they maintained her out of their alms.