As a God Hercules called on all other gods except Plutus. Asked why not, Hercules said he saw the God of Wealth with many rascals on Earth it wasn’t proper.
Your reputation precedes you.

JBR Collection
When Hercules was raised to the dignity of a god, and took his place on Olympus, he went round and paid his respects to all the gods and goddesses, excepting only the God of Wealth, to whom he made no sign. This caused much astonishment, and Jupiter, at the first favourable opportunity, asked Hercules for an explanation. “Why,” answered he, “I have seen that god in the company of such rascals when on earth, that I did not know whether it would be considered reputable to be seen talking to him in heaven.”

Pluto et Hercules
Hercules, caelo receptus propter virtutem, cum Deos gratulantes persalutasset, oculos avertit Pluto (qui Fortunae est filius) veniente. Pater causam quaesivit. “Odi,” inquit, “illum, quia malis amicus est simulque, lucro obiecto, cuncta corrumpit.”
Perry #111