A Diamond was berating Coal boasting about its shine. Coal replied that they were related and, reddening in the fire, said he could both shine and heat.
Don’t boast.

A Coal was hid beneath the grate,
‘Tis often modest merit’s fate,
‘Twas small, and so perhaps forgotten;
Whilst in the room, and near in size,
In a fine casket lin’d with cotton,
In pomp and state a Diamond lies:
‘So, little gentleman in black,’
The brilliant spark in anger cried,
‘I hear, in philosophic clack,
‘Our families are close allied;
‘But, know, the splendour of my hue,
‘Excell’d by nothing in existence,
‘Should teach such little folks as you,
‘To keep a more respectful distance.’
At these reflections on his name,
The Coal soon redden’d to a flame:
Of his own real use aware,
He only answer’d with a sneer,
‘I scorn your taunts, good Bishop Blaze,
‘And envy not your charms divine,
‘For, know, I boast a double praise,
‘As I can warm as well as shine.’
New Monthly Mag