Care was worn until Generosity came around. The two married and now Generosity and Care work together; neither of them outdoing the other.
Work together for best results.

Old Care with industry and art,
At length so well had play’d his part,
He heap’d up such an ample store,
That av’rice could not sigh for more;
Ten thousand flocks his shepherd told,
His coffers overflow’d with gold,
The land all round him was his own,
With corn his crowded gran’ries groan,
In short, so vast his charge and gain,
That to possess them was a pain;
With happiness oppress’d he lies,
And much too prudent to be wise.
Near him there liv’d a beauteous maid,
With all the charms of youth array’d;
Good, amiable, sincere, and free,
Her name was Generosity.
‘Twas her’s the largess to bestow,
On rich and poor, on friend and foe;
Her doors to all were open’d wide,
The pilgrim there might safe abide;
For th’ hungry and the thirsty crew,
The bread she broke, the drink she drew;
There sickness laid her aching head;
And there distress could find a bed.—
Each hour with an all-bounteous hand
Diffus’d she blessings round the land;
Her gifts and glory lasted long,
And num’rous was th’ accepting throng;
At length pale penury seiz’d the dame,
And fortune fled and ruin came:
She found her riches at an end,
And that she had not made one friend.
They blam’d her for not giving more,
Nor thought on what she’d done before;
She wept, she rav’d, she tore her hair,
When, lo! to comfort her, came Care,—
And cry’d, ‘My dear, if you will join
‘Your hand in nuptial bonds with mine,
‘All will be well,—you shall have store,
‘And I be plagu’d with wealth no more;—
‘Tho’ I restrain your bounteous heart,
‘You still shall act the gen’rous part.’—
The bridal came—great was the feast,
And good the pudding, and the priest:
The bride in nine months brought him forth
A little maid, of matchless worth;
Her face was mix’d of care and glee,
They christen’d her Oeconomy,
And stil’d her fair discretion’s queen,
The mistress of the golden mean.
Now Generosity, confin’d,
Is perfect easy in her mind;
She loves to give, yet knows to spare,
Nor wishes to be free from Care.